GEMTEC provided engineering and environmental consulting services to the Fredericton Regional Solid Waste Landfill and the Northwest Regional Service Commission Sanitary Landfill for the approval of higher final elevations for their respective landfills. Higher approved final landfill elevations will provide significant cost savings to each landfill and will benefit all users.
Services included:
- Evaluation of existing containment cell infrastructure
- Quantity estimates of additional waste storage capacity for economic analysis and feasibility studies
- Desktop environmental studies including potential for avifauna species at risk, groundwater resources, atmospheric and sound conditions
- Landfill gas and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions considerations
- Sightline/view scape analysis through three-dimensional (3D) modelling
- Hydrological and hydrogeological assessments
- Preliminary sequence planning and closure plans
- Development of monitoring plans and mitigations
- Public consultation including public meetings to inform near-by residents
- First Nation Engagement in accordance with the New Brunswick Duty to Consult Policy
- Preparation of EIA registration document and subsequent management of EIA process
- Preparation and submission of Public Consultation and First Nation Engagement report